Loose Leaf

Loose Leaf

Frey Faust, New York

Wednesday 11 Nov. and Thursday 12 Nov. // 10:00 p.m – ca. 12:45 a.m.

    Frey Faust hails from California. He completed his dance training in pantomime, acrobatics, jazz, ballet and stage contact under the tutelage of Marcel Marceau in Paris. Contact improvisation, Aikido and Afro Haitian dance were added later to his repertory. After returning to his native country he worked together with several choreographers, e.g. Merce Cunningham and Stephen Petronio. Afterwards he lived for several years in Düsseldorf and created numerous choreographies which ranged from solos to group performances. Lately, he once again lives in the States.

    The »Aria with 30 Changes«, the so-called »Goldberg Variations« is a creation of high intellectual and technical standard. Bach created it 1742 in Leipzig for Count Hermann Carl von Keyserlingk, the Russian ambassador at the royal court in Dresden. The count suffered from insomnia and so he asked Bach to write him a composition for his harpsichord player Johann Gottlieb Goldberg to play at night and help him fall asleep. Goldberg was also one of Bach’s pupils.

    Uraufführung: 1992, Düsseldorf
    Produktion: Ardent Body Communications Dance Co., Berlin

    Choreografie: Frey Faust

    Musik: aus »Goldberg-Variationen«

    Kostüme: Marie-Jo Gebel

    Tänzer: Frey Faust

    Archive 1998

    8th Festival Year