Miałem taki sen (I had duch a dream)

Miałem taki sen (I had duch a dream)

Teatr Cinema, Michałowice

Saturday 16. Nov. and Sunday 17. Nov. // 07:30 – 08:30 p.m.
Schaubühne Lindenfels


    People are sitting in their garden plots and chasing away pests. Relaxation doesn’t make one more human and work leads to a zombie-like existence. The seasons have a sequence like life. Dreams creep into our daily routine, and, through them, we return to the past. Experiencing feelings once more, repeating thoughts, breaking through versed, everyday gestures and finding one’s way back to a childhood that vanished long ago …

    »Carefully, we’ve dealt with dreams. We dreamt the worst thing possible: the garden plot – the banality of relaxation; school – the banality of imitation; water under the bridge – the banality of longing. We are dedicating the production to Akiro Kurosava and his film ›Der Traum‹« (Zbigniew Szumski).

    The performance, tied together by delicate melancholy, is characterized by absurd humor and surrealism. The dramatic heroes find themselves in a changing state of tragedy and comedy, like people between order and absurdity in real life.

    The Teatr Cinema was founded by Zbigniew Szumski in 1992. For a long time, it has been regarded in Poland as a special discoverer of new visual values of a theater language that can get by completely without words. The unique poetry on stage is inspired by the paintings of René Magritte, the writings of Samuel Beckett and by the Dadaists. Recent pieces were »Dong«, »Nie mówię tu o miłości« (»I am not talking about love here«) and »Billiard«. Together with the groups KTO, Gardzenice, Komuna Otwock and Biuro Podrozy, the Teatr Cinema shapes the alternative theater scene in Poland.

    Uraufführung: 30.06.2001, Poznań

    Internetseiten der Compagnie: www.teatrcinema.pl

    Produktion: Teatr Cinema

    Das Gastspiel erfolgt mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Polnischen Instituts, Leipzig.

    Inszenierung, Ausstattung, Musikcollage und Lichtdesign: Zbigniew Szumski

    Darsteller: Malgorzata Wallas-Antoniello, Wlodzimierz Dyla, Jan Kochanowski, Dariusz Skibinski, Tadeusz Rybicki

    Im Anschluss an die Vorstellung am 17. Nov. findet ein Publikumsgespräch statt.
    Moderation: Stefan Kanis, Theaterwissenschaftler und Journalist, Leipzig

    Archive 2002

    12th Festival Year