The New Post Office (Mladinsko Theatre + Maska) (Slowenien)
Contrary to what was announced, we show the piece in English with German surtitles!

Based on the bestselling books Less is more by Jason Hickel and The mushroom at the end of the world by Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing
In KRIZE (Crises), the seven very different performers on stage run incessantly in place – they change their clothes, call on the phone, eat and drink, sweat and run and run and run to complete exhaustion or total catastrophe. But what happens afterwards?
We are constantly confronted with different crises – whether they be personal, professional, social, political or health crises. But behind them lies perhaps the greatest crisis in the history of mankind: the so-called environmental crisis. Fundamentally existential, it still doesn’t get enough attention. We spend our energy slowing down the necessary transformation of our way of life to maintain the status quo. We forget that crises offer the opportunity to make seemingly impossible ideas possible. But what ideas? Those that would make all people safer, healthier and wealthier? Or rather those that have the objective of making the already inconceivably rich even richer?
In KRIZE, Žiga Divjak and his team investigate these questions and place a special emphasis on the human ability for cooperation as well as the necessity of not understanding nature simply as a resource, but rather seeing us as a part of it.
In his home country, Slovenia, Žiga Divjak is in demand as a young star director; in his works, he deals with social inequalities and environmental issues. KRIZE is based on two bestselling books: Less is more by Jason Hickel, who sees the root of environmental problems in the capitalist exploitation of man and nature, as well as Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing’s The mushroom at the end of the world, a study on the rare and extremely expensive Matsutake mushroom, which has become a parable on the existence after a catastrophe.
Director Žiga Divjak With Doroteja Nadrah, Iztok Drabik Jug, Klemen Kovačič, Draga Potočnjak, Katarina Stegnar, Vito Weis, Gregor Zorc Narrator Blaž Šef Stage Igor Vasiljev Costumes Tina Pavlović Music + Sound Blaž Gracar Light David Orešič Dramaturgy Goran Injac Production Tina Dobnik Creation Bitef Festival, Belgrad, 30. September 2022
Production The New Post Office – a joint project by Mladinsko Theatre (Ljubljana) and Maska Ljubljana Co-production Bitef (Belgrad), Domino Association (Zagreb). The co-production is a part of the project ACT – Art, Climate, Transition, a European cooperation project connecting art and activism with ecology and just transition. Guest performance support SKICA Berlin – Slowenisches Kulturinstitut
Photo Matej Povše

Main Supporters
euro-scene leipzig is institutionally supported by the City of Leipzig and the Saxon State Ministry for Higher Education, Culture and Tourism. Co-financed by tax revenue on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.