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General Terms and Conditions

1 Scope of application

(1) These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) govern the legal relationship between euro-scene Leipzig e. V. (hereinafter referred to as the organizer) and the festival visitors. The GTC are an integral part of every contract that is concluded through the purchase or possession of tickets and are published here at

2 Tickets / ticket sales

(1) The box office is open one hour before the start of the performance and closes at the start of the performance.

(2) Advance ticket sales take place:

  • by direct purchase at our festival box office during its opening hours.
  • by ordering (by telephone / e-mail) at the festival box office and paying in advance. The tickets will then be deposited for collection at our festival box office, at the respective box offices or sent by post on request.
  • at Online tickets can also be purchased via this website. The organizer is not liable for the services of this provider.
  • Further advance booking offices are published on the organizer's website and in the program booklet.

(3) Advance sales generally begin at the end of September. The exact date will be published in good time. Performances that are in particularly high demand may be put on sale earlier.

(4) Tickets already purchased cannot be returned or exchanged.

(5) If the organizer sends tickets to the purchaser, the purchaser shall bear the shipping risk. The organizer is not obliged to provide compensation. The organizer is entitled to charge a fee for shipping.

(6) When paying in cash at the festival box office and at the evening box offices, the change must be checked immediately. In the case of contactless payment, the amount must be checked for correctness on the electronic device. Subsequent complaints are excluded.

3 Admission prices

(1) Different prices apply for the organizer's performances. These are published at and in the program booklet.

(2) The organizer grants discounts. Pupils, students, trainees, people doing federal voluntary service, people with severe disabilities, pensioners, recipients of citizens' benefits and holders of the Leipzig and family pass are entitled to discounts.

(3) Proof of entitlement to a discount must be provided when purchasing the ticket. The organizer reserves the right to check discount entitlements at admission or after the performance. Visitors who are unable to present the required concessionary authorization during a check, even though their ticket is concessionary, must immediately pay the difference to the full ticket price. If the visitor refuses to comply with this request, the organizer or the persons commissioned by the organizer are entitled to expel the person concerned from the building immediately.

(4) Accompanying persons of people with severe disabilities receive a free ticket, provided that the "B" mark is entered in the disabled person's pass.

4 Reservations

(1) Telephone and written ticket reservations will be accepted by the box office team from the start of advance sales and during the opening hours of the festival box office and are considered provisional reservations. They only become binding upon payment within the agreed period. Reservations of remaining tickets for the box office expire 30 minutes before the start of a performance. The organizer reserves the right to dispose of the tickets elsewhere.

5 Groups

(1) Group reservations are generally only possible in advance and via our ticket office and must be paid for in advance. There are no reservations for groups at the box office.

6 Admission

(1) In principle, only tickets issued by the organizer shall entitle the holder to admission to an event.

(2) After the start of a performance, visitors are generally not entitled to late admission. If necessary, late admission may be granted during intermissions.

(3) The seating information of the respective venues shall apply. These range from fixed seats in the respective price categories to free choice of seats.

7 Changes and cancellation of performances

(1) In the event of changes to the cast, there is no entitlement to a refund or reduction of the admission fee or exchange of the ticket.

(2) In the event of a change of starting time, there is no entitlement to a refund or reduction of the admission price or exchange of the ticket. Exceptions only apply if the starting time has been postponed or brought forward by more than one hour and the visitor had no opportunity to become aware of the change or can attend another event of the festival due to the rescheduling. In the event of a change in starting times, there is no entitlement to compensation for transport connections that could not be used.

(3) Claims for damages also do not exist if it is not possible, or only partially possible, to attend the performance due to not reaching the performance on time - for whatever reason.

(4) If it is necessary to cancel a performance in the first half of the performance, the visitor is entitled to a refund of the ticket price paid. Further expenses will not be refunded. The claim for reimbursement of tickets due to a performance being canceled must be asserted within 14 days of the canceled performance by presenting the ticket. The box office price of the purchased ticket will be refunded.

(5) If there is a change in the performance schedule due to unforeseeable reasons, the previously purchased tickets will be taken back within a certain period of time against reimbursement of the purchase price. Further expenses will not be refunded. If an event is canceled for reasons of force majeure, the ticket price will not be refunded.

8 Cloakroom and liability

(1) The checkroom conditions of the individual venues apply. The instructions of the evening staff must be followed.

(2) The organizer is not liable for loss or damage to clothing.

9 House rules, image and sound recordings

(1) The organizer exercises domiciliary rights in the venues together with their representatives on site and is entitled to exclude individual persons from the event in the event of disturbances. The respective house rules of the venues also apply.

(2) The organizer reserves the right to deny access to or exclude persons from the event who belong to extreme organizations or groups or who have already made racist, nationalist, anti-Semitic, discriminatory or other inhumane statements in the past.

(3) Visitors may be denied admission if there is reasonable cause to believe that they will significantly disrupt the performance or disturb other visitors or if they have significantly or repeatedly violated these General Terms and Conditions.

(4) Persons who obstruct the orderly sale of tickets or disturb visitors may be ejected from the venue. 

(5) Visitors may be ejected from the performance in progress if they disrupt it, disturb other people or violate these General Terms and Conditions.

(6) Photography as well as image and / or sound recordings during performances are strictly prohibited for copyright reasons.

(7) Violations of the prohibition of image and sound recordings may be reported to the police. Persons who make unauthorized photographs, video and/or audio recordings of performances may be removed from the auditorium by the evening service. In such a case, there is no entitlement to compensation from the organizer.

(8) In the event that image and / or sound recordings, such as radio or television recordings, are made during a public performance by authorized persons or by the organizer itself, the festival visitors agree with the purchase of the ticket that they may be recorded in image and / or word and that the recordings may be broadcast or published without any claim to remuneration. This consent is unlimited in terms of time and space.

(9) Food and drink may not be taken into the public areas and consumed there.

(10) Smoking is only permitted in the designated areas of the venues.

(11) In the event of fire or other dangerous situations, visitors must leave the venues immediately via the designated emergency exits. The instructions of employees of the organizer or the venues must be followed at all times. The liability of the organizer is limited to intent and gross negligence.

10 Final clause

(1) Should any provision of these General Terms and Conditions become invalid, this shall not affect the legal validity of the remaining terms and conditions.

11 Entry into force

These GTC shall enter into force on 1 August 2024. Should there be a revised version of the GTC, this must be published immediately with the date of validity. The version in whose period of validity an admission ticket was purchased shall apply.