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Press area

Welcome to the euro-scene Leipzig press area. We appreciate your interest and are happy to support you in reporting on our festival. On this page you will find our press releases and information on other relevant materials.

The euro-scene Leipzig press department will keep you informed throughout the year about important developments and innovations at euro-scene Leipzig. For information, interview and photo requests or press tickets, please contact us directly at or 0341-2126766.

Press office
Vera Fleischer
Imke Högden

Press mailing list

Please register by e-mail if you would like to receive our press releases:

Logo package

You can download our logo package here:

© Tom Dachs

Press releases 2023

27 September 2023 | 01/23
The program of the 33rd euro-scene Leipzig: critical, poetic and relevant
euro-scene Leipzig 2023 highlights our society’s challenges and crises

Further press releases are available (in German) in the German-language press section.

René Schindler

Program booklet 2023



Press releases 2022

29 September 2022 | 02/22
The program of the 32nd euro-scene Leipzig: political, aesthetic, sustainable and inclusive
Focus for the first time also on non-European perspectives

Further press releases from 2022 and 2021 can be found in the German-language press section.