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Review of euro-scene Leipzig 2023

14. November 2023

Impressions of the 33rd festival edition.

© Tom Dachs

Six brilliant festival days full of dance, theatre and performance, inspriring encounters and good conversations lie behind us. We would like to thank all of our artists, partners and of course you who make euro-scene Leipzig what it is. And because after the festival is before the festival: SAVE THE DATE! See you again at the 34th edition of euro-scene Leipzig from November 5 to 10, 2024. Besides, you will also receive impressions about our 33rd festival edition from the press. And because after the festival is before the festival:

Below you will find impressions of our 33rd festival edition from the press.

Press reviews of euro-scene Leipzig 2023

"Thunderous applause was heard on many occasions during the six-day marathon, which ended on Sunday. The foyers of the Schauspielhaus and other venues such as the Lofft, Schaubühne and TdJW were packed. ... So many theatre enthusiasts from different scenes rarely come together, and that was great. It led to many (re)encounters, good conversations and simply an engaging atmosphere. That's theatre magic."

Kreuzer Leipzig, 13.11.2023

"With a total of 15 euro-scene productions, a balance has been struck between opulent performances and intimate formats, between successful pieces such as Miet Warlop's 'One Song' at the start and the risk of new productions. Some small formats are convincing, such as the dance pieces 'To be possessed' and 'Xiao Ke'. Or the dramaturgically precise and surprising performance 'Koulounisation' by Salim Djaferi about the power of words and how they influence our view of reality."

Leipziger Volkszeitung, 13.11.2023

"This gave the European Dance and Theatre Festival a special atmosphere. A number of programme highlights ensured that this was sustained. Because with his second proper festival edition - after a pandemic-related shrinkage - director Christian Watty was able to continue the aesthetic quality of the previous year. "

Freie Presse, 13.11.2023

"In Leipzig, they succeeded in coming to terms with the German-Syrian past in an exciting way, which, as became clear in the subsequent audience discussion, was previously unknown to most viewers. An intimate, instructive and highly political evening about the entanglements in history and the long shadow they continue to cast over all our lives today."

Tanznetz about the world premiere THE LONG SHADOW OF ALOIS BRUNNER by Collective Ma'louba, 13.11.2023