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Marin / Schröder

Maguy Marin, Mario Schröder / Leipzig Ballett

World premiere | Coproduction Leipziger Ballett + euro-scene Leipzig

Photo: Ida Zenna | Oper Leipzig

A ballet evening by Maguy Marin and Mario Schröder in cooperation with euro-scene Leipzig concludes the 32nd festival edition on 13. November.

With DUO D’EDEN (1986) and GROSSE FUGE (2001), the Leipzig Ballet presents two classics from the oeuvre of the great French dancer and choreographer Maguy Marin for the first time. Ballet director and chief choreographer Mario Schröder creates a world premiere to the music of the contemporary French composer Pascal Dusapin, thus creating an additional surface of friction between his movement language and Maguy Marin’s choreographic work.

“She is blessed with a sense of fantasy and the absurd,” wrote the New York Times about the most relevant representative of dance theater in France. As the daughter of Spanish civil war refugees, Maguy Marin was born in Toulouse. At the age of eight, she began to dance and thus started her career as a classic ballet dancer. Soon a wish arose to reorient herself: Maurice Béjart was her new teacher. Many years later, she created her own company and found a home: first in a choreographic center in a Paris suburb, and finally in the region of Leipzig’s partner city, Lyon. In 2016, Maguy Marin was awarded the Golden Lion for her life’s work in the context of the Venice Dance Biennial.


Ludwig van Beethoven Choreography Maguy Marin Costumes Chantal Loupet

Sound design Maguy Marin Choreography Maguy Marin Costumes Montserrat Casanova

Music Pascal Dusapin Choreography Mario Schröder Stage + costumes Paul Zoller Dramaturgy Anna Elisabeth Diepold Musical director Matthias Foremny, Leipziger Ballett, Gewandhausorchester

Main Supporters

euro-scene leipzig is institutionally supported by the City of Leipzig and the Saxon State Ministry for Higher Education, Culture and Tourism. Co-financed by tax revenue on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.