One Song – Histoire(s) du théâtre IV
Miet Warlop + NTGent (Belgium)
Festival opening

Bleachers, a field, a team. Fan scarfs with symbolic slogans and a violinist on a balance beam. A male cheerleader, dressed completely in white, and in red a female referee with a megaphone. A singer on the treadmill is accompanied by the percussionist who appears everywhere. Add flags and a song that increasingly raises the mood: In ONE SONG, the Belgian Miet Warlop dares to try the balancing act between sport, competition and a rock concert. The fifteen performers progress into a kind of trance, all the way to complete exhaustion. Just like in a community of belief, they join through a song that creates meaning by embodying the spirit of their community. And it poses a question to us: Are we strong enough to escape the shadow of our past? The performers run and sing, chant, make music and jump around – faster and faster, increasingly impassioned – as though they were in an introspection of our current public rituals. They try to suffocate pain and worry in a spectacle that they use to intoxicate themselves. In the end, they put their hands on their hearts and sing a hymn, as though they were comforting themselves in the face of an apocalypse: “Grief is like a block in your head. It’s hard. It’s rough.”
In ONE SONG, Warlop invents a ritual about farewells, life and death, hope and resurrection, about her intimate battle against the trauma of a family tragedy. She thus succeeds in creating a relevant and, despite all loudness, highly sensitive view onto today’s conditio humana. Truly powerful!
Text Miet Warlop (Advice Jeroen Olyslaegers) Concept + Director + Stage Miet Warlop With Simon Beeckaert, Elisabeth Klinck, Willem Lenaerts / Gilles Vandecaveye-Pinoy, Milan Schudel, Melvin Slabbinck, Joppe Tanghe, Karin Tanghe, Wietse Tanghe and Stanislas Bruynseels, Rint Dens †, Judith Engelen, Marius Lefever, Luka Mariën, Flora Van Canneyt, Max Colonne Dramaturgy Giacomo Bisordi Music Maarten Van Cauwenberghe together with everyone Sound Bart Van Hoydonck Costumes Carol Piron + Filles à Papa Light Dennis Diels Technique Oliver Houttekiet, Patrick Vanderhaegen Audio description Isabella Brawata, Beatrix Hermens, Matthias Huber, gefördert durch die Aktion Mensch Creation Festival d’Avignon, 8. Juli 2022
Production NTGent, Miet Warlop / Irene Wool vzw Co-production Festival d‘Avignon, DE SINGEL (Antwerp), Tandem Scène Nationale (Arras-Douai), Théâtre Dijon Bourgogne Centre dramatique national, HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin), La Comédie de Valence – Centre dramatique
national Drôme – Ardèche, Teatre Lliure (Barcelona) Support Flemish government, City of Ghent, Tax Shelter of the Belgian federal government Thanks to Kris Auman, Imran Alam, Barbara Vackier, Jasper Houttekiet, Familie Warlop, Rossana Miele, Lotte Van Craeynest, Christel Simons, Patrick Vanderhaegen, Diana Campbell Betancourt Guest performance support Flanders State of the Art
Photo Michiel Devijver

Main Supporters
euro-scene leipzig is institutionally supported by the City of Leipzig and the Saxon State Ministry for Higher Education, Culture and Tourism. Co-financed by tax revenue on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.