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2. Plattform Studiotrade

bei der euro-scene Leipzig

Photo: Vismantė Ruzgaitė

After the great success of last year’s PLATTFORM STUDIOTRADE, euro-scene Leipzig together with the 4fT Tanzplattform Leipzig will once again show the dynamics and innovative power of Europe‘s independent dance scene on two days. It thus offers a contribution to new perspectives and cooperations with international partners for Leipzig’s dance creators. The artists from four countries show short performances, pitchings and presentations and then will enter an exchange with the audience.

In 2010, the European exchange and cooperation network STUDIOTRADE was initiated with the objective to enable choreographers, producers and dance organizations to exchange studio spaces for research works as well as access new markets and contexts.

Participants on 11 November

  • Vasiliki Bara (Leipzig)
  • Toaspern | Møller (Leipzig / Copenhagen)
  • Silke Z. / Résistdance (Cologne)
  • Vilnius city dance theatre Low Air (Vilnius)

Participants on 13 November

  • j.a.s. (Leipzig)
  • Gestures from Alterity (Leipzig)
  • Nils Uber (Leipzig)
  • Compagnie Humaine (Nice-Cannes)


  • Helena Wölfl


With Compagnie Humaine (Nice-Cannes) Gestures from Alterity (Leipzig) j.a.s (Leipzig) Nils Uber (Leipzig) Silke Z. / Résistdance (Cologne) Toaspern | Møller (Leipzig / Copenhagen) Vasiliki Bara (Leipzig), Vilnius city dance theatre Low Air (Vilnius) Moderation Helena Wölfl

Production euro-scene Leipzig, 4fT Tanzplattform Leipzig Supported by DIEHL+RITTER/TANZPAKT RECONNECT, supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR Hilfsprogramm Tanz initiative

Main Supporters

euro-scene leipzig is institutionally supported by the City of Leipzig and the Saxon State Ministry for Higher Education, Culture and Tourism. Co-financed by tax revenue on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.