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Ubuntu Connection

Raphael Moussa Hillebrand, Jasmin Blümel-Hillebrand / Somɔgɔ Kollektiv (Berlin)

World premiere / An euro-scene Leipzig production

Motif: Anna Ihle

UBUNTU CONNECTION is a fundamentally newly conceived competition by euro-scene Leipzig on two evenings: 16 artists from dance and new circus get on stage for and with one another. With live music, they conquer the space in a battle from one round to the next and then create the UBUNTU CONNECTION with the audience. After every round, a jury decides who has used the power and art of togetherness most impressively.

The inspiring approach of “ubuntu” embodies the desire for a constructive fundamental attitude based on respect, empathy, participation, change and hope. This human attitude to a collective worldview has great relevance in many countries in sub-Sahara Africa and is unified in the single word “Ubuntu”, which can originally be found in the Bantu languages of the Zulu and Xhosa: “A human becomes human through other humans.””Ubuntu” understands individuals and their reality of life as embedded in society. Away from “I think, therefore I am” towards “I am, because we are!” Prominent representative of this philosophy was the first democratically elected president of South Africa and Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela. UBUNTU CONNECTION encourages a decolonial change of perspective.

UBUNTU CONNECTION encourages you to accept a decolonial change of perspective. On the first evening, the participants introduce themselves with their solo performances, and on the second evening, a battle session follows. A jury member will be selected from the audience in the evening. Let yourself be surprised!


Concept Raphael Moussa Hillebrand, Jasmin Blumel-Hillebrand (Somɔgɔ Kollektiv) Moderation Raphael Moussa Hillebrand Jury Natisa Exocé Kasongo alias Exote OOB Kasongo (Berlin), Georgina Philp / House of Saint Laurent (Mother Leo, Berlin), Marcos Vinicius da Silva (Leipzig), Tadios Cherenet (Berlin) Live music Sonic In(ter)ventions 

Production euro-scene Leipzig Cooperation Somɔgɔ Kollektiv Supported by DIEHL+RITTER/TANZPAKT RECONNECT, supported by the German Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the context of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Hilfsprogramm Tanz

Main Supporters

euro-scene leipzig is institutionally supported by the City of Leipzig and the Saxon State Ministry for Higher Education, Culture and Tourism. Co-financed by tax revenue on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.