Behoud de Begeerte (Belgium)
German premiere | with German surtitles

Behoud de Begeerte (Receive the Desire) is an organization in Antwerp that develops original theatrical/literary event formats. In the first edition of their new series, LIT, three young novelists from different countries deal with their concepts of “family”. Zora del Buono, Raoul de Jong and Angelo Tijssens read in their respective mother tongues – Swiss-German, Dutch and Flemish – and thus create their own musicality that is echoed in the songs by Helena Casella. Together they take us on a trip beyond borders and generations and kindle a heated discussion: LIT does not just reference the English abbreviation for literature, but also the adjective “lit”.
This event is part of the theme day ALLES AUSSER FLACH – NEW LITERATURE FROM FLANDERS: Next year, Flanders and the Netherlands will share the guest country appearance at the Leipzig Book Fair 2024. On this occasion, euro-scene Leipzig is kicking off the Flemish cultural program and proposes a link to the book fair for the first time. In addition to the festival opening ONE SONG we highlight the diversity and high quality of Flemish literature with SHOWCASE and LIT1/FAMILIE. For this purpose, various theatre and novel texts are staged especially for the Leipzig audience.
Concept + Artistic direction Steven Heene Authors Zora del Buono (Die Marschallin), Raoul de Jong (Jaguarman), Angelo Tijssens (De randen) Live music Helena Casella Project management + Video Leander Coorevits Production Zane Garitte Light + Sound Steven Reymer Planning + Distribution Nouni van Arnhem Communication Ruth Kief
Production Behoud de Begeerte Co-production euro-scene Leipzig Support
Flanders Literature, Flanders State of the Art
Photo Miles Fischler
Main Supporters
euro-scene leipzig is institutionally supported by the City of Leipzig and the Saxon State Ministry for Higher Education, Culture and Tourism. Co-financed by tax revenue on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.