Showcase: Six new Theatre Texts from Flanders
Flanders Literature (Belgium)
Readings: German | Talks: English

In six scenic readings, we direct our attention to current outstanding theatre texts by Flemish playwrights, read by actors from Leipzig. The texts are about the meaning of life and the addiction to love, about affairs and attacks, love at an older age and angry old people, as well as about Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. Every reading is followed by a discussion with the audience.
+ Haut by Michaël Bijnens (Drei Masken Verlag, translated by Lisa Mensing)
+ Mündung by Anna Carlier (Verlag der Autoren, translated by Christine Bais)
+ 9.6 – eine Verteidigung by Stijn Devillé (Drei Masken Verlag, translated by Uwe Dethier)
+ Aufruhr by Freek Mariën (Verlag der Autoren, translated by Barbara Buri)
+ Saure Senioren by Gaea Schoeters und Annelies Verbeke (translated by Christina Brunnenkamp)
+ Sartre & de Beauvoir by Stefaan Van Brabandt (translated by Christine Bais)
This event is part of the thematic day ALLES AUSSER FLACH – NEW LITERATURE FROM FLANDERS, which for the first time will link up with the Leipzig Book Fair, where Flanders and the Netherlands will take centre stage with their guest country appearance in 2024. In addition to the festival opening ONE SONG we highlight the diversity and high quality of Flemish literature with SHOWCASE and LIT1/FAMILIE. For this purpose, various theatre and novel texts are staged especially for the Leipzig audience.
Autor:innen Michaël Bijnens, Anna Carlier, Stijn Devillé, Freek Mariën, Gaea Schoeters, Annelies Verbeke, Stefaan Van Braband
Produktion Flanders Literature Koproduktion euro-scene Leipzig Unterstützung Flanders State of the Art Gastspielförderung Flanders State of the Art
Foto Tim Morozzo
Main Supporters
euro-scene leipzig is institutionally supported by the City of Leipzig and the Saxon State Ministry for Higher Education, Culture and Tourism. Co-financed by tax revenue on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.