Texte im Körper, Texte im Raum (Texts in the body, texts in space)
Scenic reading of the translation workshop with Frank Weigand
On the initiative of Bureau du théâtre et de la danse / Büro für Theater und Tanz, Institut Français Deutschland | German with texts in English and French

Theater translation is a communicative and dialogue-based activity. In the staged reading TEXTE IM KÖRPER, TEXTE IM RAUM (Texts in the body, texts in space), the participants of this two-day workshop, which is taking place for the second time as part of euro-scene Leipzig, will present the results of their joint work. In direct exchange with two actors, individual scenes from English and French-language theater texts will be performed in German. At the centre of the selected scenes by contemporary playwrights from Europe, West Africa, the Middle East and North America are questions of identity and ascription to others in the context of a present characterised by migration movements. These aspects are examined from philological, cultural studies and theater practice perspectives.
Interested persons can apply for the workshop until 15 October 2024. All information can be found here (in German).
Production on the initiative of Bureau du théâtre et de la danse / Büro für Theater und Tanz, Institut français Deutschland in cooperation with euro-scene Leipzig

With the kind support of Institut français and the French Ministry of Culture
Main Supporters
euro-scene leipzig is institutionally supported by the City of Leipzig and the Saxon State Ministry for Higher Education, Culture and Tourism. Co-financed by tax revenue on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.