„Ich wünsche mir, dass alle aus dem Rahmen fallen …“
Inclusive Franco-German theater workshop
Co-operation with the Goethe-Institut, the NO LIMITS Festival Berlin and the Institut français Leipzig | German and French with consecutive translation into German

Mehenni Tahiri from the Compagnie Insolite Fabriq and Torsten Holzapfel from Theater Thikwa are two professional actors, both full of energy with an exuberant love of improvisation and a keen sense for comic situations. They met during an artistic residency in Lyon and are now inviting Leipzig audiences to take part in their playful and instructive theater workshop: They offer the opportunity to play, share, laugh, move, express themselves, invent and tell stories together. This not only breaks down language barriers, but also redefines the boundaries of theater.
The workshop is designed to be mixed-abled and will be co-led by Malo Lopez, artistic director and director at Insolite Fabriq, and Saskia Neuthe, theater educator and director at Theater Thikwa. No previous artistic or linguistic knowledge is required to take part in this workshop.
Production Goethe-Institut, NO LIMITS – Disability & Performing Arts Festival Berlin, euro-scene Leipzig, Theater der Jungen Welt Co-production Institut français Leipzig
Funding Fonds DaKu, Deutsch-Französischer Bürgerfonds, Stiftung ErlebnisKunst

Main Supporters
euro-scene leipzig is institutionally supported by the City of Leipzig and the Saxon State Ministry for Higher Education, Culture and Tourism. Co-financed by tax revenue on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.